Our Services


High Vibrational Brands/ Teams and Companies

  • Leadership and Personal/Conscious Team Development
  • BCorps consultancy and guidance
  • Personalized Consulting in DNA and Culture, brand creation, awareness, impact and transformation with a Conscious purpose
  • Systemic Dynamics
  • Big data and Digital diagnostics
  • Intangible All Unicity diagnostic: Leadership + Culture and Change Sustainability
  • Coaching and Personalized Strategies in Communication, Digital Assets, Conscious Culture and Fullstack Sustainable Marketing


MindEmotion Coaching

Customized packages for your personal and/or team evolution. Includes:

  • Presence process guidance
  • Reframing Meaning Process
  • Ontological coaching
  • Biodescodification
  • Family constellations and Systemic Dynamics
  • Conscious communication
  • Human design
  • NLP
  • Guided and personalized meditations and Emotional Release

Humanistic & Evolutionary Terapeutic Astrology

The DNA of Being, of your company, of your team, of your partner. Learn from the human perspective what this ancient science has to contribute to your path of evolution. Astrology used as a selfknowlegde and evolution tool to bring awareness. Consultancy includes systemic dinamics and other methodologies.

Self Awareness and Self Development tailor-made conferences

Mindset and Emotional Awareness for teams and companies. Send us an email to [email protected].


Kreaktive Lab / Incubator

For leaders, teams of all kinds. Let’s create ideas and give them a unique, creative, and grounded meaning. Co-created through personalized proposals for you. We have worked with agencies, multinational companies, even with teams of chefs and dance groups. Are you ready to experience it?

Danzad Malditos!

Dance your emotions and strategies with your whole body. Traverse it, occupying space in all directions, with surprising dynamics that will make you crave more.

Learn to deeply understand your body and move it as you need.
Dance your life, your story, your person, your transformation.
You won’t want to stop, from the pleasure and healing you will feel in your own flesh.

Breathing Presence Process

Created by Diana. A transformative process that utilizes Sound Healing with Conscious Breathing techniques for emotional release and opening neural pathways, followed by workshops and transformative creative /strategic processes.

Let’s get physical!

Ceramics, painting, or clay workshops. You choose. Based on Lego Serious Play for the creation of prototypes, new ideas, and revolutionizing teams.

Word Evolution Circle

Ancient talking circles and cacao ceremonies, assisted with coaching to strengthen teams, weave words, and create new paths and ideas. Team evolution.

This babes’ body was made for Talkin

Guess what the other thinks and co-create. Silent present workshops to allow our bodies show us the way.

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